For those who this reaches who do not know me my name
is J. Daughtry and I currently live in Georgia. I attend a Church that is currently
in need of major repairs. Since we do not have a large congregation, we are always
looking for ways to raise funds. The following was sent to me
by Brother Chuck Langley who is a part of the Apostolic Network. Normally I read the
first couple lines of promotional E-mail and it goes out but since seeing who this was
from and that they endorsed it, I thought I'd at least check it out. I have been involved
and taken in by several things which promised great things if I would invest a little and
promote their product, so I am pretty skeptical. The fact that it was endorsed by who it
was caused me to read further. I believe if you keep reading as I did you will
be intrigued with the possibilities of this concept which requires nothing but time to
read it and then post in on the net as I have.
The Internet is still in it's infant stage but is
growing fast. The WWW is to us as television was to our parents in 1950. Those who got in
on early on the new concepts in those early years of television marketing are glad today
that they did.
Keep in mind this is FREE except for your time to read
and following instructions about how to post it . If you don't have a personal website
they are available to anyone on the net free for the making. AOL, WBS, TRIPOD and more all
offer free WebPages where you can post this if you decide it's worth trying. This is a new
concept and has only been out about six weeks with 1.5 million signing up already for
free. I feel it's worth considering and if you do sign up please use my Reference
Number DLM-480. It looks like it has
possibilities for those who have time to invest.
The following was sent : ........
(Disclaimer: The information below was not written by myself)
J. Daughtry
Praise the Lord!
I want to pass this to every Apostolic Pentecostal Pastor, Missionary, Evangelist,
Preacher and Saint that I know. To every one of my brethren that have to work at a secular
job or labor out of the ministry so that they, and often even their church can survive.
Many things have come down the pike that promised to provide some residual income
over the years, but they all seem to involve pushing products or services on our friends
and congregation. Most required at least a small financial investment, stocking products
and taking up a lot of time and resources. . . No more!
We have many Apostolic Pentecostal Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries, Preachers
and many Saints getting involved with this ground floor opportunity. It's like no other
you've ever seen, but it won't be ground floor for long! Over 350,000 people got in during
the first two weeks! I believe God can and will use this in these last days to free up
Ministry and many Saints from the cares of the world so that they can concentrate on
reaching the lost and also be able to bless the church financially. Please pass this
on to every Missionary, Evangelist, Pastor and Preacher and Saint of God that would rather
work for God than work for the world.
P.S. Missionaries should sign up using their U.S. Mailing address since it is not
available outside the U.S. yet.
(Disclaimer: The information below was not written by myself)
Bro. Stan Hallett
This e-mail is about a new company that has a completely mind-blowing business model. A
friend of a friend met with them a few weeks ago and signed a non-disclosure agreement
after reading the company's business plan. They launched their service last week. I
encourage everyone to read this e-mail as soon as possible, because you can make a lot of
money and the earlier you sign up, the more you can make.
This is not a joke or a trick, it's not play money or worthless stock. It's cash! The
email is long, because the concept needs explaining, but once you read it, you'll be
stunned at how simple this is.
We've all witnessed how the Internet is changing the rules of the game. Well a bunch of
Stanford Computer Science PhDs are changing the way advertisers pay to reach consumers.
Throughout time, advertisers have paid anyone who can aggregate a large quantity of
people. TV Networks, Radio Stations, Magazine and Newspaper publishers, whoever can do it.
The consumers, who advertisers are paying to reach, never get a dime of that money.
These guys are changing that. They're essentially going to "unionize"
consumers, so that consumers get paid by the advertisers, not the companies who aggregate
those consumers. Anyone can sign up for free and make serious money.
This company is called AllAdvantage.
It's completely free to participate. You don't have to buy anything, you don't have to
sell anything, you don't have to change your web usage. If you go to their site and sign
up, you'll have to enter you name, address, and the member number of who referred you.
You'll get your own Member ID number, and you'll soon be sent a little file to download,
which appears as a long thin window that'll be open below your web browser. In this window
will be a standard online advertisement, a rectangular banner like the one's you see on
most web sites. You can open it or close the window whenever you'd like, but for every
hour you have that window open, you'll get $0.50. Up to 40 hours a month, so you could
make $20 a month. Nice so far, but that's just the beginning.
They are doing a payment plan to create a model where everyone is getting everyone else
to sign up. Remember, it's completely free to participate, and you can always choose
whether or not you want the window open. They'll pay you 10 cents for every hour that a
person you refer has this window open. For anyone those people refer, you get a nickel for
every hour. For everyone they refer, you get a nickel also, and so on for 4 levels. This
will generate big money for people who get in early. Its free so it is not a pyramid
Let's say everyone has 10 people who joined entering their Member ID number. And let's
also say everyone has this window open for 10 hours a month. You could easily make over
$50,000 a month! Here's how: You're on the web with this window open for 10 hours a month.
50 cents an hour is $5.00. The ten people who were referred by you have it open for 10
hours a month, that's 100 user-hours. 10 cents per hour is $10.00.
Each of those 10 refer 10, that's 100 people, each on for 10 hours a month, that's 1000
user hours. 5 cents per hour is $50.00 Each of those 100 refer 10, that's 1000 people,
each on for 10 hours a month, that's 10,000 user hours. 5 cents per hour is $500.00. Each
of those 1000 refer 10, that's 10,000 people, each on for 10 hours a month, that's 100,000
user hours. 5 cents per hour is $5,000.00. Each of those 10,000 refer 10, that's 100,000
people, each on for 10 hours a month, that's 1,000,000 user hours. 5 cents per hour is
That's it. $55,565.00 per month. Just for getting 10 people to sign up and put your
number in as who referred them. And if you get more people, you make more money. There's
no limit. They're counting on the fact that you'll get tons of people. There are over 50
million Internet users, and many have multiple PCs. People who get in early, could
literally retire.
You're probably thinking that they'll have to pay out hundreds of millions of dollars
to people, and your right, they will have to pay out hundreds of millions of dollars to
consumers. But don't look at it from the macro level. Look at it from the micro level.
It's so simple. AllAdvantage is paying 80 cents for every hour a user has this window
open. (50 cents to the user, 10 cent to whoever referred them, 5 cents to the person who
referred them, 5 cents to the person who referred them, 5 cents to the person who referred
them, and 5 cents to the person who referred them). Every 20 seconds, a different ad
rotates into the window, so 3 ads every minute, 180 ads every hour. If they can sell the
180 ads for more than 80 cents they're instantly profitable, and they'll be able to sell
the ads for more.
That's it. That's the whole thing. If they sell $10 million in advertising, they'll
distribute $9 million or so to the users, and keep the rest. Everyone wins. Companies who
rely on advertising spend a lot of money to attract an audience, and build and staff a
product. AllAdvantage is just going to pay you as a valuable consumer and reward you for
attracting an audience. A TV Network might put 90% of their ad revenue into programming
and operations, and keep 10% as profits. This company will give 90% of their ad revenue to
people who use them, and keep 10% for themselves. I told you it was simple.
Why not? It's completely free, and you can make a lot of money, finally getting paid
for advertisers to reach you. It doesn't effect or interrupt your time on the web, you
still spend the same time surfing as you always have, the same way you always have, the
same sites you always have. The only difference is that you can have this window open
below your web browser if you want to, and you'll get paid for it. And if you tell a lot
of people who also sign up, you'll get paid even more.
No matter when you sign up for this, you'll make some extra money. But the people who
sign up earliest, will make loads of money. People are probably going to get very creative
about how to tell as many people as quickly as possible. Some people may rent out e-mail
lists and send it out to thousands of people at a time, or mention it in chat rooms or
user groups. Others are spreading the word on college campuses and internationally. Who
knows? The more you sign up the more you make, and the more they make.
It's really not. It's kind of built on a similar premise, but it's totally free.
There's no scheme! You don't pay anything or sell anything or spend your time any
differently. In a pyramid scheme the last people in, lose. With this, the last person in
still gets cash every month. Just not as much as the people who get in early. Just sign
up, tell friends, and keep the window open if you want to. Advertisers will pay money to
be in that window, and you'll get a very nice share of that money.
You may have seen similar ideas where companies are giving away stock, or other things.
This is different.. It's real.